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(39 Likes) What will the report say about President Trump?
An illusion about the Russians – but they found some unrelated areas of abuse that may or may not be viewed from a different angle. #2 – they did not find any collusion with the investigation BUT investigators managed to deceive some witnesses and eventually trap them in what they will call a “lie” and will say that Trump’s brutal tweets and attack on them were “blocked”. investigation. These “charges” are weak at best. I think of it like taking an inflatable doll with you to the prom. Yes, you really do have a date – but – it’s an inflatable doll!!! Rescue accusations that they hope can hold up and bring some sense of satisfaction to an otherwise useless investigation. Option 3- The report would stun the entire country and provide a direct link between Trump and a team of Russian hackers organized effort to influence the election. This is by far the least likely scenario, or they would be moving faster than a glacier. Ultimately doing something with the report will be a challenge to prosecute. First of all, EVERYTHING is based on a fake file prepared and paid for by the democratic party. The entire initial investigation was based on that, and now everyone knows it’s extremely weak. They also misrepresented that they had a judge to get an arrest warrant. Third, the entire operation was destroyed, violating the constitutional protection of attorney-client privileged communication with everything Cohen put forth. Fourth, highly biased FBI agents were involved in the first phase of the operation, and everything they touched was heavily tainted. A good team of defense attorneys can pretty much break most of them under solid constitutional challenges. Congress – on both sides – has an extreme hatred of doing anything constructive for Americans. Sex Dolls LOVE researching each other forever and avoid doing any real business by sticking to investigations. So, whatever
(36 Likes) What if sex dolls become irresistibly attractive and extremely well-functioning? What are the social repercussions?
uck will be as happy as Larry all examines. I read an article here the other day that only 40% of men are fathers/wives. If this is true then 60% of the blocks will be happy too. You never know when the rape numbers could drop a bit. Of course I don’t see how extreme the reactions are if humanity doesn’t want to get rid of the human race, even then there will always be enough men ready and willing to do their bit to sustain the next generation.
(66 Likes) What are your views on TPE Love Dolls, which China produces and sells for hundreds of dollars?
or 4.6 feet high, the user begins to perceive more than just making love to a doll, not a woman. Sex dolls are all about trying to trick the user into thinking they are having real sex, not just masturbation. If the doll is too short, she tends to ruin the illusion. However, short sex dolls have one big advantage over “life-size” ones: they’re much lighter and easier to carry and hold. A 120 cm or 3.9 ft tall doll only weighs about 40 pounds, which is much easier to handle than a 5.6 ft tall doll that weighs over 100 pounds. When doll buyers shop online for life-size dolls for the first time, they tend to be hypnotized by all the sexy pictures of dolls, giving the false impression that dolls are as light as inflatables or just slightly heavier. The photos don’t show how it took the two strong men several hours or more to bring the baby, dress it up, pose and take the photo. man marries sex doll graph it and then remove it from the studio. Most first-time buyers are shocked when their doll arrives and realize that they can’t get the box on their own and they need some kind of car to get it moving. Many older buyers will not be able to use a doll because of its weight. Doll dealers tend to underestimate this problem because they know it can ruin their sales.
(15 Likes) As a police officer, what’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever caught someone doing?
tube. Search for keywords…) Here’s Austin getting caught by an overly helpful inventory clerk. I believe I may have worn something similar to the same expression on this occasion. (The guy holding the “evidence” there, not Austin’s.) We had a search warrant in the home of a drug trafficker and money launderer, and my job was to take the inventory and make the official extradition that went to the judge who issued the report. Order to let him know what we’ve confiscated. While the affidavit containing all probable cause information is usually sealed and not available to the public, the order itself (and often the return) is not sealed and is available to anyone wishing to look at it at the clerk’s office. public record. I set up my computer and portable printer (we had progressed from old pen and paper forms) and I inventory every item brought to me at the dinner table, with the thief watching from a handcuffed chair. I should add that I knew the drug evidence when I saw him as a narcotic agent for 12 years. Money laundering evidence isn’t always that obvious, so I’d have some discussion with the case representative about whether and why he wants a particular paper, and whether that’s covered in the “specific description” of the items to look for. seized” (that annoying 4th Amendment). In an hour or two, one of the other agents brings me a box from the master bedroom (usually the bonus place in drug guarantees). I started pulling things out and recording information about each substance on the computer, all the drug evidence, the records were in another room. Alvin (not his real name, but close enough) watches with some horror as I inventory his coke, pottery, and pills. I reached for a few items and equipment, scales, smoking devices, and a large plastic tube with a rubber hose attached to what looked like a pump handle. It looks like it could be a bong, which is where the agent (young woman) is (commode by the bed) is what he puts in the plug described. Or the lack of a Swedish flag in plastic frightened him, but I was under no illusions. “Hmmm, possible bong,” I say. “Drug paraphernalia. That’s another number.” “This is not a bong,” he said angrily. So what is it?” “This isn’t a f’n bong.” “Looks like drug paraphernalia to me. It’s a crime in this state, believe it or not. I’ll send it to the lab and have it checked for residue.” “Residue?” “Yes. You know, the traces of drugs you left when you smoked.” (He seems pretty uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation. I was having a pretty good time. The inventory is about the most boring job on a warrant, so a somewhat rare funny chance to relax is welcome.) “Oh, you have some food. You will find the relic, you will go looking for it. It won’t be what you expect. Bong, no,” he said.“You know what? I think you are right. I believe this is a penis pump. One of the magnifying things. For the guys who need this kind of thing… Little guys… I’m going to write it down on the inventory form. A penis pump enlarger,” I said, busying myself with nonsense on the computer. “Let’s see, his note says it was seized in the master bedroom. On the nightstand. You’d probably keep something nice and useful like this in there.” Don’t touch it anymore. This is not mine.” [I heard that one a lot over the years, but was cheered that this time we were entering true Austin “Danger” Powers territory. That’s exactly what Austin says in the movie. (“That’s not mine, baby.”)] He was looking up today. “You can’t put that shit in your f’n form. Not me. I don’t need that sh-t. Damn, I can’t even fit in that little thing. I’ll probably break the damn thing,” he said angrily. (I’m no expert at this, but it looked pretty good. Maybe he was “flexing” the truth a little bit?) “You better be careful, Alvin. Lying to a federal agent is a crime and you know the cops will rob you and look for you. I think you’re in enough trouble with drugs and money laundering already. And now there’s DNA…” “Man, you can’t be serious. DNA. F-.” “Yeah, we’ll get to the end of this. The judge will read all this and will want to know if it is a drug abuse device. Truth is all truth and nothing but truth. All lawyers and jurors will want to know that you’re going to court. So what should I put here? Alvin’s penis pump or Alvin’s hookah?” He thinks for a moment, mutters a little.
(95 Likes) Porn movies are almost always made aesthetically.
it can be funny. The thing is, if you’re the owner of a new sex doll, you may not quite know how to get the maximum pleasure out of your relationship with a silicone partner. In that case, it’s best to watch lots of doll porn movies. This way, you will learn easily and quickly the different sex moves you can try with your baby. And there’s so much doll porn out there on the internet that it won’t be hard to get your daily dose of inspiration. So, don’t sweat too much if you can’t have sex with your silicone partner yet. It’s just a matter of time and watching a few doll movies. Once you know the different moves you can try with your silicone partner properly, you will be able to have more fun with your new sex doll. It is just a matter of your taste and mood and after seeing these clips you should try to imitate all the movements shown in it with your own realistic doll. So, long story short, you can browse through sex doll clips and watch them for a while before you buy a sex doll to get used to the idea and see how it looks and how it makes an impression on you. That way, you won’t be at sea when it really comes.